The MommyWholesale Floral collection is one of the many best sellers on the website. Many of our bags with floral print come in unique and helpful styles for everyone's different tastes. Choose from medium or large floral tote bags for school or work or even for a simple day out. The floral collection is cute and fashionable for anyone who decides to carry it around. With a beautiful navy background, all bags are covered with small and large colorful flower patterns. We know florals can be a little intimidating and busy but you can use any of these totes to add a fun, feminine, and playful touch to any outfit. These totes, backpacks, and small purses are Our canvas totes are water-resistant, great to withstand spring showers. This beautiful floral collection has a variety of totes, duffel bags, and accessories to select from. They are the perfect bags to use in any setting. You can keep all your supplies at hand & well organized. Our bags all have plenty of room to hold the daily items that you can not leave home without. This is a unique floral print with eye-catching vivid colors, suitable for the beach, for picnics, market, etc. Makes a lovely gift for family or friends.